Agen, France
Master class
6 day + 2 day optional refining and finishing skills
Instructor Nikita Andrejev
Master class
6 day + 2 day optional refining and finishing skills
Instructor Nikita Andrejev
Instructor Dmitri Andreyev
Subject: Archangel Michael
This workshop for all students including beginners.
Detailed description of this new workshop is here, if you would like to find more about it meanwhile, please contact the coordinator of the workshop, Sharon Seager
Subject: Prophet Jonah and the Whale
Level: Beginners (half figure Jonah), Intermediate and Advanced (full composition)
Instructor: Dmitri Andreyev
To find more about this workshop and to register please click here
or contact the coordinator,
Sarah Heitke
Intermediate and Advanced Students
Subject Theotokos Of the Passion (Our Lady of Perpetual Help)
Dmitri Andreyev, Instructor
For information about the workshop please visit the Center’s website here
For more information, please contact Faye Drobnic at or (337)-344-7031
To view photos from previous Grand Coteau workshops, please click here.
Instructor - Nikita Andrejev
Learn about the workshop and register here
For intermediate and advance students
Subject: The wedding in Cana.
Tatiana & Dimitrii Berestov, instructors
Find more information and register here or contact: Jenny Ward
Find out about places to stay here
For beginners level
Subject: Archangel Michael.
Tatiana & Dmitrii, Instructors
Find more information and register here or contact: Jenny Ward at
Find place to stay here
The actual design for this workshop will be slightly different from the one on the photo
Beginning level students Archangels Michael or Gabriel
Advanced and intermediate level The Theophany
Instructors Tatiana & Dmitrii Berestov
More details and registration form about the workshop are here or contact the coordinator Christy Kellar
Dmitri Andreyev, Instructor
Subject Intermediate and Advanced Students : St George with a dragon
Beginners Students St George (half figure icon)
for workshop details, please contact Jane Tan Creti at (402) 312-2550 or
Information about the workshop and registration form, can be found here , or contact Fr. Thomas Leitner (402) 352-2177 or
Instructor: Vladislav Andrejev, Dn Nikita Andrejev
for more information please contact:
Father Austin p. Cadiz, OSB
Instructor: Vladislav Andrejev, Dn Nikita Andrejev
for more information please contact:
Father Austin p. Cadiz, OSB
Instructors, Tatiana & Dmitri Berestov
Beginner students will write Archangel Michael or another icon assigned by the instructor.
Intermediate students …
Please find the information about this workshop and to register contact
the coordinator: Lucia Adele McHugh
Advanced level workshop
Subject: St John the Forerunner
Instructor - Nikita Andrejev
For information please contact Borisas Jokubauskis,
Beginners and intermediate level
Beginners - Archangel Michael or Gabriel
Intermediate - Theotokos The Great Ladder
Instructors Tatiana and Dmitri Berestov
For information and registration please open this flyer or contact the coordinator Teresa Darby, (936) 585-2585 or
Beginning and Intermediate Students
Archangel Michael
Instructor: Dmitri Andreyev
For more information please contact:
Valerie Sinkus email:
For information and registration please see the brochure here.
Advanced level
Instructors: Tatiana and Dmitrii Berestov
Subject The Nativity of Theotokos
For more information please contact
Mother Maria or (502)5761-3390 (mobile & WhatsApp)
Advanced and intermediate students: Nativity of Jesus Christ
Beginners: Theotokos
Instructor: Dmitri Andreyev
For more information and to register open here or contact Christine Daunis
Instructors: Tatiana and Dimitri Berestov
Level: All Levels
Subject: Intermediate and advanced students St John The Forerunner (The Angel of the Desert)
For more information and to register please click here .
Coordinator: Adele McHugh
All Levels
Vladislav Andrejev, Nikita Andrejev, Instructors
for more information please click here or contact Marilyn or David Johnson (612) 378-0606
To see photos of previous workshops, please visit:
Dmitri Andreyev, Instructor
for workshop details, please contact Jane Tan Creti at (402) 312-2550 or
to register for the workshop, please find the form here or contact Fr. Thomas Leitner (402) 352-2177 or
Open to all level students.
Dmitri Andreyev
Subject for Intermediate/Advanced: The Dormition of Theotokos
Find details about the workshop and registration here. Please direct all inquiries for this workshop to Christine Daunis at (225) 252-3090 or
Level: Beginner
Subject: Guardian Angel (half figure)
Instructor: Susan Kelly-VonMedicus
This 6 days workshop’s subject is a half figure icon of Guardian Angel. Please find about the workshop and register here. Contact Susan Kelly-VonMedicus if you have any further questions.
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Subject: Guardian Angel
Instructor: Dmitri Andreyev
This 10 days workshop’s subject is a whole standing figure of Guardian Angel. Please find about the workshop and register here. Contact Dmitri Andreyev if you have any further questions.
Beginners, Archangel Gabriel
Intermediate, Annunciation
Instructors Dmitri & Tatiana Berestov
For information please open the flyer or contact coordinators, Lynley Jones & Paula Bernard
All Levels
Beginners and Intermediate, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel
Instructors: Tatiana and Dmitrii Berestov
For more information please contact
Mother Maria or (502)5761-3390 (mobile & WhatsApp)
The actual design for this workshop will be slightly different from the one on the photo
Beginners: Instrutor’s choice
The Myrrh Bearing Women
Instructors - Tatiana & Dmitri Berestov
The class is open for all levels. For information about this workshop please contact Susan Studinger
Learn more and register for the workshop here
For lodging and meals, call Garden Grove Retreat Center at 231-622-5026 and mention that you will be an Icon workshop participant.
Instructors: Tatiana and Dimitrii Berestov
Levels: all
Beginners: Arch. Michael
Intermediate and Advanced: Jacob Wrestling the Angel
Please find more information and register for the workshop here or contact the coordinator Jenny Ward
Please find information about finding place to stay here
This workshop is for intermediate and advanced level students
Subject: St Simeon with Jesus
Instructor Dmitri Andreyev
Coordinator: Faye Drobnic, St Elizabeth Icon Studio
Please find more about this workshop and to regester here
Coordinator, Joelle Hathaway
Affiliated instructor - Susan Kelly vonMedicus
Subject - St Francis of Assisi. Beginners , head and shoulders . Advanced and intermediate students, half figure.
There is a calligraphy workshop offered prior to the icon workshop if interested please find about it here.
Coordinator Susan Kelly vonMedicus
Learn about the workshop and register here
Beginners and intermediate level
Beginners - Archangel Raphael
Intermediate - Archangel Raphael
Instructors Tatiana and Dmitri Berestov
For information and registration please open this flyer or contact the coordinator Teresa Darby, (936) 585-2585 or
Subject: Archangel Michael (half figure and or full figure image)
Level: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
Instructor: Dmitri Andreyev
To find more about this workshop and to register please click here
or contact the coordinator,
Sarah Heitke
Beginners and returning students
Instructor - Nikita Andrejev
For information please contact Borisas Jokubauskis,
This workshop is for intermediate and advanced level students
Subject The Resurrection (there will be an option of a simple composition with only three figures offered or a complete composition similar to the one pictured below)
Instructor Dmitri Andreyev
Please find more about this workshop here and download registration form here. You can contact the coordinator Niki Ulehla
All Levels
Beginners and Intermediate, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel
Instructors: Tatiana and Dmitrii Berestov
For more information please contact
Mother Maria or (502)5761-3390 (mobile & WhatsApp)
Open to all level students.
Subject for beginners is the Holy Prophet Elijah
Subject for Intermediate/Advanced study is the Transfiguration
The instructors are Tatiana and Dmitrii Berestov
Please find more about the workshop and register here
Please direct all inquiries for this workshop to Christine Daunis at (225) 252-3090 or
Drawing the sketch of a shoulder-length female saint will take place during 3 online sessions; the icon will be painted on location.
Please find more and register for the workshop here
Instructor Dn Nikita Andrejev
Coordinator Sharon Seager
All Levels
Vladislav Andrejev, Nikita Andrejev, Instructors
for more information please click here or contact Marilyn or David Johnson (612) 378-0606
To see photos of previous workshops, please visit:
This workshop is open for the students of all levels.
There will be offered an image of a standing figure of Archangel Michael and a half figure option (suggested for beginners)
Instructor Dmitri Andreyev
To find more about this workshop and to register please contact coordinator,
Sarah Heitke, 571-357-3303
Tatiana Gubenko, affiliate instructor
Find the details about this workshop and register here
Intermediate & Advanced Students
The Deposition From The Cross
Dmitri Andreyev, Instructor
Please open the registration form here. For more information, please contact: Jenny Ward
Dmitrii & Tatiana Berestov, Instructors
Beginners and Intermediate level, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel
Advanced Level, Theotokos (Mother of God) Tenderness
Find more workshop details here, please contact Jane Tan Creti at (402) 312-2550 or
to register for the workshop, please find the form here or contact Fr. Thomas Leitner (402) 352-2177 or